affiliate marketing and crypto

In the evolving landscape of Financial Technology and blockchain, affiliate programs have been standing out as an opportunity for influencers and creators to earn a passive income. According to OptinMonster, more than $17 billion has been invested into affiliate marketing in 2023, with more than 80% of US brands using affiliate marketing programs.


The main reason for this massive investment is because consumers are more prone to buying a product from someone who they trust; a friend or family member, or an influencer. Unlike traditional sales pitches, the value of an affiliate program lies in its ability to offer affiliates genuine opportunities for income through their referrals. It is also important to note that the referral also receives a benefit – a product that they like or a service that helps their business. It’s a win-win.

Is an affiliate program niche based?

Some affiliate programs are tied to specific niches, like cosmetics, while others are broader; allowing affiliates to target any industry and target globally. In order to incentivize affiliates, brands offer a commission from each sale of a product or service. For beauty & health, it’s normally 10-30%, tech 13-18%, fitness seeing an average 10-20%, while SaaS solutions offer anywhere from 20-70%.

Fashion, education, and health are the most popular affiliate categories, but the FINTech and blockchain sectors are ripe with similar affiliate opportunities. Companies like PayPal and Square offer their own versions, each with unique benefits and commission structures. For instance, PayPal rewards affiliates with a percentage of the transaction fees, while Square offers a flat rate for new sign-ups. The average PayPal and Square affiliates earn between $6,000 and $10,000 per month depending on their experience and connections. Creators and influencers with a large following can easily double these numbers. These programs highlight the diverse ways in which affiliates can earn, catering to different strategies and audiences.

An affiliate program for crypto?

If you’re looking to get into blockchain, an affiliate program we recommend checking out is the one offered by PTPShopy. They’re a crypto payment gateway, run by a reputable company, with over 1,000 merchants signed up and using their services. PTPShopy offers a generous 50% commission on transaction fees from referred merchants. This approach not only incentivizes affiliates but also aligns with the growing preference for value-driven content over direct sales tactics.

crypto affiliate program

The success of PTPShopy’s affiliates, with some earning over $26,000 in a single month, underscores the program’s potential. In their website’s FAQ, they mention:

According to statistics posted on Authority Hacker, the average affiliate marketer in the technology niche earns approximately $7,418 per month. As cryptocurrencies and their associated technologies have blurred the lines between traditional finance and tech sectors, making them relevant to both niches, the average affiliate marketer in the finance niche earns approximately $9,296 per month. As always, the actual earnings will depend on the specific audience, promotional strategies, experience, and other variables. The figures provided are averages, and individual results can vary widely.

Based on our analysis, there are no major restrictions in their Terms & Conditions regarding the type of advertising content allowed to be promoted. This is probably why the earning amount is so high, as influencers and creators are able to maximize their creativity.

Such earnings are not only testament to the program’s efficacy but also to the growing trend of individuals seeking alternative income streams in the digital age. It reflects a broader shift towards affiliate marketing, where individuals leverage their networks and content platforms to generate revenue, moving away from traditional employment models.

What’s interesting about the PTPShopy affiliate program

What’s also interesting is that we found that the PTPShopy affiliate program has a lifetime value. Affiliates continue to earn indefinitely on their referred merchants. Hypothetical, a few months of hard work can setup earnings for the rest of the year. The PTPShopy program is designed with simplicity and long-term gains in mind. The ease of setup and the absence of an earnings cap make it accessible to a wide audience, from seasoned marketers to those new to affiliate programs.

This inclusivity is key to its appeal, ensuring that anyone with a platform and the drive to promote can participate and potentially thrive. The blockchain/crypto and FINTech sectors are increasingly recognizing the value of affiliate marketing as a tool for growth and engagement. By offering gripping commission structures and supporting their affiliates with resources and tools, companies can tap into a motivated and broad-reaching network of promoters.

Based on our research, we’d recommend checking out PTPShopy’s affiliate program. It is more than just an opportunity to earn; it’s a reflection of the changing dynamics in digital marketing and income generation. As affiliate programs continue to evolve, they remain a key part of the digital economy, offering a win-win for companies and affiliates alike.

Why Should I Choose PTPShopy’s Affiliate Program?

Since there are lots of crypto affiliate programs, you may simply get confused on choosing PTPShopy. There should be valid reasons that insist people to choose PTPShopy’s affiliate program. Of course, there are various reasons behind the growing popularity and demand of this crypto affiliate platform on the internet.

Apart from maximizing your earnings with this crypto affiliate program, you can get additional benefits out of the same. Do you still have various doubts about choosing this affiliate option? You need to go through given below reasons that insist creators and influencers like you to join this affiliate program to add additional income stream to their online earnings.

1 – Lucrative Commission Up to 50%

One of the key reasons why you choose an affiliate program is the income associated with the same. Obviously, the main reason behind choosing PTPShopy as your affiliate platform is that it provides huge commissions up to 50%.

Since PTPShopy offers a lucrative earning system, most of the influencers and creators want to be a part of this amazing crypto affiliate program online. If you too want to make big money as your affiliate commission, choosing this affiliate platform is a good decision.

2 – Swift and Hurdle-free Affiliate Program Setup

Unlike all other affiliate programs, this affiliate program comes with an easy and fast setup system. It means that influencers and creators don’t need to deal with a complicated affiliate system to get their enrollment done.

The easy-to-follow sign up process helps new users to sign up swiftly for this crypto affiliate program. So, visit at the official website of PTPShopy to sign up for this crypto affiliate option.

3 – Are You Looking for a Permanent Passive Income Option?

Like all other creators and influencers, you too want to choose a long-term passive income option. You won’t like to choose an affiliate program that provides you a short-term passive income option. If you want to make money from your own referrals for a longer period of time, you need to sign up with PTPShopy’s affiliate program.

Apart from being a regular passive income option, this affiliate program also helps you keep making money on your referrals, from website traffic and other options. With little to no effort, you can generate a new passive income source to your online income streams.

How to Join PTPShopy’s Affiliate Program

Having gone through aforementioned benefits of joining PTPShopy’s crypto earning program, now you want to learn how to sign up for this affiliate option.

Actually, the process to join PTPShopy for crypto affiliate program is easy and fast. You just need to follow the stated below instructions to understand the concept of how it works.

1 – Complete the Sign up Process to Join Crypto Affiliate Program

If you want to be a part of this amazing passive income option, you need to complete the sign up process for joining this crypto affiliate program. For this, you need to follow stated below points.

  • Visit at the official site of the PTPShopy.
  • Here, you need to click on Join Affiliate Program option.
  • Now, you need to provide your details such as your name, email address, payment details, website, and other necessary information.
  • Get everything approved such as email and contact details online.
  • Now, copy the affiliate code from the official site to paste it into a post or content on your site.

2 – Refer Merchants through Your Affiliate Link

The next step towards how to make money by joining PTPShopy affiliate program is to start referring merchants. When you complete the signup process, you need to start referring merchants to this affiliate product.

Being an influencer and creator, you need to promote PTP affiliate link among your targeted visitors or followers. If they register with your given link, they are considered as your affiliate referrals. And you will be eligible to earn commission for the same.

3 – Start Collecting Commission

Having completed the above mentioned two steps, now you need to start collecting commissions out of your referrals.

You will start earning a specific percentage or commission out of the transaction your referrals make. It means that when people choose affiliate products or services using your referral link, you will make commission out of the same.

Do You Still Need Help Regarding This Crypto Affiliate Program?

If you still need help regarding how to join PTPShopy’s affiliate program, you need to get in touch with their customer support department.

Moreover, you can easily avail the customer services and support even after joining the affiliate program. You can seek help from customer service at PTPShopy irrespective of location and time.

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