The 20 most popular teleworking activities

Working from home is increasingly, especially since the COVID-19 health crisis, which led numerous employees to continue their activities remotely. Many companies are now increasingly allowing it, providing more freedom to their employees. Intrigued by this lifestyle, some even choose to break away from traditional employment to venture into entrepreneurship.

If you’re looking to break free from the daily grind or simply desire more autonomy in managing your schedule, then remote work can be an excellent solution for you, whether as an employee or as an independent worker.

If you’re still unsure about how to start or where to begin, discover some key insights to find your path and embark on a new home-based activity.

Why choose to work from home?

The growing number of employees opting to work remotely is not a coincidence. While the recent health crisis allowed French individuals to reassess their priorities and experience the benefits of remote work, the status of being an independent worker, occasionally overlooked by those accustomed to traditional employment, has finally managed to allure. Working from home offers numerous advantages:

Less time spent commuting

According to a Statista survey in 2020, French individuals dedicated four and a half hours per week (combining public transportation and personal modes of commuting) to travel to their workplace. Working from home therefore saves time!

More free time

This directly echoes the previous point; by spending less time on public transportation or in your car, you save a considerable amount of time that can be reinvested in your favorite hobbies (sports, reading, strolls, etc.).

Greater well-being

Once again, this point naturally follows the previous one because having more free time to engage in your preferred activities undoubtedly leads to greater well-being.

A more flexible schedule

This is one of the most commonly cited advantages by individuals who have chosen to work from home. Being able to manage one’s time and organize their schedule as they see fit allows for greater flexibility, thus enabling a better balance between professional and personal life.

What kind of work can be done from home? 20 ideas for working from home

  1. Start a blog
  2. Create an online store
  3. Start a dropshipping business
  4. Become a freelancer
  5. Offer services through online coaching
  6. Explore pet sitting
  7. Become a web content writer
  8. Discover the role of a virtual assistant
  9. Work as a self-employed accountant
  10. Engage in social media management
  11. Become a remote sales consultant
  12. Join a customer service team
  13. Teach online
  14. Showcase graphic design skills
  15. Translate texts as a translator
  16. Develop software or applications
  17. Become a property manager
  18. Work as a community manager
  19. Start your own YouTube channel
  20. Engage in inside sales

Start a blog

If you have things to share or expertise to offer, creating a blog could very well become a new life project for you. Naturally, you won’t be the first or the last to decide to venture into the world of blogging, so it’s crucial to ensure you bring something new to this already bustling landscape.

Draw from your personal and professional experiences, analyze the competition in your preferred field, and identify your niche. Work on a proposition that truly reflects you 100% and, consequently, stands out as unique.

Recommended reading: In this guide, we detail the steps to create a blog and turn it into a source of traffic and revenue.

In any case, keep in mind that your goal here is to turn your activity on this blog into a new work-from-home job. Therefore, think ahead about how you envision monetizing your project in the long term.

We propose below the two most effective and commonly used methods to monetize a blog:

  • Offer products for sale on your blog related to the theme you cover.

For instance, if you run a blog focused on ethical and organic beauty, suggest lists of purchases for organic, vegan, and eco-friendly skincare products. Someone who appreciates your content and advice will likely be tempted to try the products you recommend through these lists.

Moreover, with Shopify’s Starter Plan, you can convert your blog (whether it’s hosted on WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, Tumblr, or elsewhere) into an online store by simply adding a purchase button.

  • Add affiliate links to the products featured in your posts.

By including affiliate links to the products you highlight on your blog, you automatically earn a percentage of the purchases made by the user who clicked on your link and ordered the product. There are dedicated platforms for blogger affiliate programs that you can easily find online.

  • Create an online store

Have you always dreamed of running your own store, selling your handmade creations, or curating a selection of carefully chosen products? Then, combine your passion and entrepreneurial drive by launching your very own online store that reflects your vision!

With the Shopify platform, you can quickly and easily create your online store without needing technical expertise. Shopify allows you to set up your e-commerce store in a few clicks, providing a turnkey solution that assists you from creating your logo to managing your inventory and promoting your e-commerce site across various sales channels such as social media, marketplaces, price comparison sites, and more.

Create a drop-shipping site

Your entrepreneurial drive is strong, but you haven’t yet settled on what you want to sell, or perhaps you simply prefer not to worry about managing inventory and product shipments at the moment? Then consider dropshipping as an option.

This method of selling comes with numerous advantages. Firstly, you won’t need to manage any stock. This saves you money, space, and the hassle of handling shipments since you act solely as the intermediary between your customer and your supplier.

However, dropshipping also has its downsides. You’ll need to ensure that your suppliers manage shipments properly and adhere to the delivery times you specify on your online store. As the sole point of contact for your customers, if they encounter delivery issues, you won’t directly control the problem but must be able to address it. Your store’s reputation will largely depend on the reliability of your suppliers.

Recommended reading: We explain how drop-shipping works, its advantages, disadvantages, and provide tips for successfully starting out in this business.

Become a freelancer

Throughout your recent years of work or study, you’ve likely developed a talent or expertise.

Now more than ever is the time to showcase your experience and offer it to companies seeking independent entrepreneurs.

Freelancing is perhaps the most common form of remote work, encompassing a wide range of professions and offering numerous advantages.

To offer your expertise as a freelancer, several methods are available to you when starting out:

  • Leverage your network:

If you have significant professional experience and have built a strong network during your years of employment or studies, it’s time to tap into your contacts.

Let them know that you’re now freelancing and seeking projects (you can utilize personal networks or platforms like LinkedIn, for instance).

  • Use freelance platforms:

With the rise of freelancing, numerous platforms connecting clients with independent service providers have emerged. This includes platforms like,, or

You can register at any time on these platforms, create your profile, highlight areas where you have skills that might interest companies, and begin applying for remote projects.

Lastly, you can also join our Shopify Partners Program to assist merchants in growing their businesses. The Shopify ecosystem boasts over 1,000,000 merchants who need the help of experts!

Offer your services through online coaching

What if you applied your expertise to help others by offering online coaching? To start, you’ll need an online store. Instead of selling products, you’ll be offering your training programs to clients.You can provide subscriptions or training programs accessible as PDFs or videos, depending on what suits you best.

Additionally, you can be available live via chat using the Shopify Ping tool to offer personalized advice to clients based on their profiles.

Try Pet Sitting

Are you fond of animals and comfortable in their company? Consider becoming a pet sitter. Pet care services are in high demand, with many dog and cat owners seeking trustworthy individuals to care for their furry companions while they’re away.

Create a website to showcase your services, rates, and gradually add testimonials from satisfied clients.

Become a Web Content Writer

If you have a flair for writing, concise communication skills, and experience in the field, web content writing might be an ideal career choice. If you specialize in a particular subject (fashion, ecology, health, gaming, etc.), leverage this expertise to stand out.Consider training in SEO-oriented writing as well, as many clients seek this expertise.

Explore the Role of a Virtual Assistant

The demand for virtual assistants has surged in recent years. Despite its name, a virtual assistant essentially performs tasks similar to an in-office assistant but remotely.

Common tasks include managing clients’ schedules, organizing appointments, handling calls and emails, and potentially writing blog articles, managing accounts, or handling social media, depending on your skillset.While there’s no specific path to enter this profession, qualities such as organization, interpersonal skills, and independence are essential.

Become an Independent Accountant

If you’ve worked as an accountant in a company and now wish to work independently, know that many entrepreneurs and small businesses seek independent accountants.

Work with Social Media

Do you have in-depth knowledge of Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, or other social platforms? Consider turning this expertise into your main activity. You can offer your skills to clients seeking visibility or focus on growing your own online presence. Pursue training in community management to refine your skills.

Remote Sales Advisor

With the rise of e-commerce, consumers seek personalized advice without physically visiting a store. Remote sales advisors guide customers through their purchase journey, providing tailored experiences.

Join a Customer Service Team

Effective customer service is key to business success, especially in e-commerce. Remote customer service jobs offer flexibility, a comfortable working environment, and better work-life balance, which might suit individuals with caregiving responsibilities.

Teach Online

As digital platforms break traditional learning barriers, teaching online allows you to share knowledge and earn by delivering courses. It offers flexibility and a global reach beyond physical classrooms.

Freelance Graphic Design

Graphic design is crucial for e-commerce. If you’re talented in this area, working from home can be a great opportunity to exercise your passion while meeting the visual needs of diverse clients.

Translation Services

Despite AI translators, businesses seek human touch in translation and transcreation. If you’re bilingual and can capture the nuances of language, translation might be your calling.

Software/App Development

The demand for web applications and software continues to grow. Programmers can work remotely by showcasing their portfolios and finding clients on specialized platforms.

Property Manager

Real estate management, involving property maintenance and client relations, often offers remote work opportunities.

YouTube Channel Creation

Launching a YouTube channel demands initial effort but provides a platform to share passions, talents, or expertise. Monetization comes after building a loyal audience.

Inside Sales

Inside sales involve remote selling through digital means, appealing to those with strong communication and problem-solving skills.

Regarding work-from-home statuses:

  • Traditional Employment: Many companies offer partial or full remote work options.
  • Freelancing (as an Individual): Opt for the simplified process of an auto-entrepreneur status.
  • Establishing a Sole Proprietorship: Consider an SASU (Simplified Joint Stock Company) or an EURL (Single-Member Limited Liability Company) for your solo business venture.

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