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How to enable the Breadcrumb on your Shopify store?

A breadcrumb is a type of a secondary navigation scheme that reveals the user’s location in your online store.

How does the Breadcrumb look like ?

Breadcrumb in Scrowp shopify theme

The breadcrumb in Scrowp theme is located under the main navigation on all pages except the homepage

Is the breadcrumb important ?

Use breadcrumb navigation for large online stores that have hierarchically arranged pages.

More important, beyond helping users to comprehend their current position on the site, the breadcrumb is a useful tool for both web designers and SEO experts. It helps Google bots to better understand the website hierarchy.

How to add the Breadcrumb on any Shopify theme ?

If you are using other Shopify theme rather than Scrowp, you can follow the video tutorial below to know how to enable it on any Shopify theme.

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