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Progressive freeshipping bar

Motivate customers to buy more by emphasizing free shipping offers. With Free Shipping Bar, it’s easier than ever to set cart value goals and keep customers engaged and willing to spend more. The free shipping app supports multiple cart goals by country. Set it up within 5 minutes to drive more sales in your store. Keep customers engaged by showing their progress as they add products to their carts. Motivate customers to complete their purchases once they have reached the cart value goal.

Advantages of progressive free shipping bar

  • Display free shipping offers through a cart progress sticky bar to increase AOV.
  • Set multiple cart goals by country and set a unique cart goal per country.
  • Keep customers engaged by showing their progress towards your cart goal.

Ho to enable the freeshipping goal on Scrowp theme?

  • From the theme editor, click on theme settings
  • Under Cart goal, check the box enable Cart goal
cart goal scrowp theme
  • Customize the settings as per your need
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