WhatsApp for your Business The Advantages

With 1.6 billion users, WhatsApp stands as the most popular messaging platform globally, reigning in over 180 countries, where its users send approximately 60 to 65 billion messages daily. Given its widespread usage, it’s no surprise that they decided to create WhatsApp for Business. It’s highly convenient for people to engage with businesses through a messaging application they already use.

People invest significant time in sending and receiving messages from friends and family via WhatsApp. With WhatsApp Business, they no longer need to switch out of the app to reach a brand’s customer service. They can have their queries answered directly at their fingertips.

What is WhatsApp Business?

For small businesses, WhatsApp developed a separate, free-to-download, and incredibly user-friendly application. It enables personalized interaction with your customers.

You can establish an excellent business profile and utilize highly practical tools. These include quick replies, automated messages, and organizing contacts through labels.

For medium and large enterprises, the WhatsApp Business API can be used. It provides the necessary environment to connect with customers worldwide, employing a conversational service provider like Conversation24.

Through this API, you can also create a business profile and leverage the messaging tools it provides, along with those from the messaging solution provider.

Learn more: Customer Communication: 10 Tips to Improve your Relationships with your Customers

Essentially, WhatsApp for Business offers a safe, secure, and user-friendly environment to stay connected with your customers. You can send them messages directly through the WhatsApp messaging platform.

Among the benefits of WhatsApp for Business is the business profile, available for both small and large businesses. With it, your customers know who they are contacting, rather than just seeing a phone number.

Another significant advantage is the provision of precise information regarding message delivery. This enables you to know when customers have received and read your messages.

What are the benefits?

In the past, the most utilized communication channels were email and SMS. However, in the omnichannel world we inhabit, this landscape is evolving. More and more businesses are integrating messaging apps into their communication strategies.

let’s take the Shopify app “ZOKO” as an example of a plate-form that can help you use WhatsApp the best way in your business:



Expand your business by conducting sales, marketing, and customer support on WhatsApp!

Zoko is a comprehensive platform for sales, marketing, and customer support tailored for WhatsApp. Once you have an official WhatsApp API account, the Zoko application enables sales, customer support, and marketing teams to use a single platform for sending bulk WhatsApp messages, broadcasts, template messages, building chatbots with a no-code builder, and managing customer inquiries on WhatsApp with a unified team inbox.

  • ChatGPT: Automatically collect orders through WhatsApp.
  • WhatsApp Catalog: Sync your Shopify catalog with your WhatsApp business number.
  • Cash on Delivery Confirmation Flow & COD to Prepaid Flow to help you generate more revenue.
  • Broadcasting and dynamic segments to target your products to the right customers.
  • All-inclusive chatbots, notifications, and cart recovery features.


Facilitating e-commerce on WhatsApp has never been easier!

As brands expand, they seek more intelligent methods to engage customers and boost recurring revenue via WhatsApp. Let Zoko transform your WhatsApp number into your top revenue-generating channel.

Enable customers to purchase products directly within WhatsApp itself.

Zoko’s cutting-edge WhatsApp catalog tool synchronizes your website’s catalog with WhatsApp, enabling customers to buy any product directly within the app. Put an end to redirecting high-intent customers away from WhatsApp for payments.

Your emails might be going unnoticed. Switch to broadcasting via WhatsApp instead.

WhatsApp boasts a 500% higher open rate compared to emails. Customers who connect with you on WhatsApp are highly engaged prospects. Engage in personalized conversations with them effortlessly and on a larger scale. With Zoko, engage, assess, and convert them in real-time, whether it’s day or night.

Repeated tasks? Automate effortlessly!

For the finest WhatsApp automation, look no further than FlowHippo. Whether it’s basic Cash on Delivery order confirmations or intricate multi-step workflows integrating with Shopify and apps like judge.me, FlowHippo offers a platform to automate any repetitive tasks. This way, you can concentrate on generating more revenue without hassle.

Are you still relying on traditional ticketing systems? Customers now anticipate swift support on WhatsApp.

In today’s scenario, customers expect immediate, automated assistance from brands via WhatsApp! 93 out of the top 100 Shopify Brands in markets prioritizing “WhatsApp first,” such as India and Brazil, provide support via WhatsApp. What’s holding you back?

Remarque: WhatsApp grants you the opportunity to remain competitive by expanding your reach, enhancing customer satisfaction, increasing conversions, and managing costs. If you’re still contemplating whether to use WhatsApp for your business, consider the benefits we’ve compiled for you:

Verified Brand with Business Profile

With WhatsApp, creating a business profile is essential. It allows you to establish and represent your brand uniquely. Your brand identity is communicated with each interaction. Once your business profile is verified by WhatsApp, customers are assured they’re contacting the right business.

Your business profile lets you share all pertinent business information, including emails, phone numbers, addresses, and any other details you wish your customers to have access to. For even more personalized interactions, you can share various types of multimedia files with your clients: links, photos, videos, etc. This enhances the customer experience, trust, and loyalty.

Bidirectional Communication Street

Having the ability to communicate directly is powerful. With WhatsApp, customers can take the conversation to the next level instantly. They don’t need to wait to be transferred or dial a number for additional support.

Thanks to the messaging app, customers can now engage in direct dialogue with your business. Today, conversations regarding complaints, appointment scheduling, seeking advice, and payment processes all take place within the application. Customers don’t even need to visit the company’s website. They don’t have to pick up the phone to call or send an email. It’s incredibly convenient for them.

Communicate Privately and Securely

Despite changes in its privacy policy for its business application, WhatsApp ensures it remains transparent in data sharing instances. User communication with businesses via WhatsApp remains safe and secure.

It’s of utmost importance for both businesses and customers that their conversations remain private and secure. WhatsApp guarantees this with end-to-end encryption. They ensure both parties – consumer and business – are safe and protected. This is further reinforced by the two-step verification process.

Automatically Initiate More Conversations

With WhatsApp, you can initiate conversations with customers who have previously contacted your brand. It’s a simple yet highly useful feature.

However, WhatsApp ensures your customers don’t receive irrelevant or potentially spammy messages. Through their content quality and response time policies, they ensure customers aren’t overly disturbed.

Reach Customers in their Preferred Manner

Studies show that an increasing number of people prefer messaging apps over any other contact channel. It’s much more convenient for them to reach you within the app they use most frequently.

Therefore, if you aim to stay connected with your customers and build stronger relationships, it’s advisable to use the channels they prefer. Using the channel they most frequently use will help you deliver an exceptional customer experience.

Reach Customers Worldwide

One of the greatest advantages of WhatsApp Business is reaching customers globally. Currently, it’s the number one messaging app in over 100 countries. It’s also the most used on smartphones – up to 95% in certain countries.

As the app’s usage continues to spread across more countries, so too can your business. That’s why if you want your business to grow globally, having WhatsApp for Business is essential.

Go Global with WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp is now pre-installed on most smartphones, meaning your customers probably already use the app. Hence, you have a much greater chance of reaching your customers not just locally but worldwide.

All you need to do to connect with your customers is create a WhatsApp Business profile. Linking your WhatsApp business profile with your business phone number is imperative. This way, you can easily include it in your marketing campaigns to encourage more clients to establish direct connections with your business.

Read also: What is social selling and how to do it in 2024?

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