AI video crator

Better visibility, impact on social networks, strong commercial support: find all the good reasons to turn to video to promote your business.

More and more companies and professionals are now turning to video in order to optimize their marketing and communication strategy internally and externally. The production of videos indeed has important advantages, allowing messages to be conveyed more effectively.

What are the benefits of videos for your business?

For your business, video represents an opportunity to develop and strengthen your brand image with the public. Today, this format is a dynamic and, above all, essential communication vector.

Videos make it much easier to understand messages. In fact, video ensures that the information transmitted is much easier to remember. This tool allows you to communicate your messages effectively, thanks to clear and explicit explanations.

Better visibility

Main advantage of video for your business: it easily adapts to all your communication objectives:

  • promotion of your activity or your products/services;
  • a presentation to customers;
  • training of your employees;
  • strengthening the image of the company or its corporate side, etc.

On this last point, video is of course of interest in terms of external communication, but also internally. Your employees remain your first ambassadors. It is therefore essential to transmit essential information about the company to them in the most relevant way. And a good understanding of the company’s values ​​means the certainty of seeing them more easily extol all the advantages of your brand.

A strong impact on social networks

As a business, focusing on video content is of great interest for social networks. These formats offer a particularly high visibility rate compared to other content. Better still, they allow you to benefit from an exceptional viral effect to make your brand known, send a positive image and reach a maximum number of Internet users, therefore potential future customers.

The length of videos depends partly on your message, but mainly on the social network on which you publish them. Therefore, we recommend:

  • On Facebook: approximately 2 minutes.
  • On Twitter: around 30 seconds.
  • On Instagram: around 30 seconds.
  • On YouTube: approximately 4 to 9 minutes.
  • On your website: approximately 2 to 4 minutes.

Furthermore, it is very easy to adapt videos for multi-media broadcasting on PC/TV screens, tablets or even smartphones, depending on your needs.

Attractive commercial support

For a company, videos represent a particularly effective marketing tool and commercial support. Do you need to communicate about the release of a product or the implementation of a new service? Do you want to provide information to your customers or a wider audience? Video presents itself as an attractive tool and can on its own replace brochures, leaflets and other cumbersome paper communication media.

From a financial point of view, the creation of videos costs less than the paper format: you need neither printing nor physical distribution. The Internet serves as both a printing medium and a distribution channel in order to communicate the desired information quickly and efficiently.

To make your videos attractive and arouse curiosity, consider finding a relevant and selling title. A simple way to generate Internet user engagement, encourage your potential customers to discover the entire content, and directly create influence between your brand and your targets.

How to make a corporate video?

Integrating video into your marketing strategy to promote your business is one thing. But you still need to know how to use this format to obtain an attractive and quality result.

Make a corporate video yourself

Filming a corporate video does not necessarily require significant resources. You can absolutely make and edit professional videos on your own. Besides, there are some great AI tools to make videos easily. Recent smartphones offer high definition quality. But remember to use a tripod to benefit from perfectly stable images.

However, there are certain key steps to follow. Start by precisely defining the objective of your video, for example:

  • develop your brand image (tell the company’s story, present your values, your employees);
  • present products, services, highlight your know-how;
  • recruit talent;
  • highlight your important partners or clients, with an interview with a manager, for example;
  • inform of the opening of a new store, a new agency, etc.

Also, think collectively about the elements to highlight. More concretely: what should you film? Ideally, the images should show your premises, your smiling and motivated employees, your skills or your know-how. You must generate sympathy while projecting a positive image of the company on the web.

However, creating a video that works still requires a bit of investment in filming and editing, as well as a modicum of creativity to get the message across effectively.

Use AI video generator

AI video generator

Using AI for video creation can enhance the efficiency and creativity of the process. There are various ways you can leverage artificial intelligence in different stages of video creation. Here are some methods:

1- Scriptwriting : AI can assist in generating scripts by analyzing patterns in existing content or by using natural language processing. Tools like OpenAI’s GPT-3 can help generate coherent and contextually relevant scripts.

2- Voiceovers: Text-to-speech (TTS) technology powered by AI can be used to generate realistic and natural-sounding voiceovers. Services like Google Cloud Text-to-Speech or Amazon Polly provide APIs for this purpose.

3- Video Editing: AI-powered video editing tools can automate repetitive tasks and enhance the overall editing process. Adobe Premiere Pro, for example, uses Adobe Sensei, its AI and machine learning platform, for features like auto-reframe and automatic color correction.

4- Image and Video Recognition: AI can be used to analyze and categorize visual content. This is useful for tasks such as automatically tagging and organizing footage, as well as for identifying specific objects or scenes within a video.

5- Animation: AI-powered animation tools can be used to generate animations based on input data. Some platforms, like DeepBrain AI, offer models that can turn simple sketches into animated characters (example below of an AI video generated by DeepBrain AI Studios mingled with an embedded ChatGPT text to speech feature).

6- Background Music Composition: AI can generate background music based on the mood and tone of your video. Platforms like AIVA and Amper Music provide AI-generated music for various purposes.

7- Deepfake Technology: Deep learning models can be used for face swapping and voice synthesis, allowing you to create realistic videos with characters appearing to say or do things they never did. However, ethical considerations and potential misuse should be taken into account.

8- Storyboarding: AI can assist in creating storyboards by suggesting visual elements and shot compositions based on the script. This can help streamline the pre-production phase.

9- Personalization: AI can be used to create personalized video content by dynamically adapting elements based on user preferences or behavior. This is often used in marketing and advertising.

10- Quality Enhancement: AI algorithms can be employed to enhance the quality of videos by upscaling resolution, reducing noise, or improving color grading.

When using AI for video creation, it’s important to choose the right tools and technologies based on your specific needs. Additionally, ethical considerations, especially in the case of deepfake technology, should be taken into account to ensure responsible and respectful use.

Have the video made by a professional

Making videos is a job. And even if you, or one of your colleagues, can take care of producing good quality content in-house, calling on a professional brings many advantages.

Already, an external service provider has all the equipment and know-how necessary to perfectly showcase your company and the people who work there. This is the certainty of broadcasting clear, perfectly framed and, above all, correctly edited images. You can even benefit from more original but also more technical formats, such as motion design (graphic animation).

Another advantage: trusting an agency specializing in video frees up time for your employees. They are not involved in this marketing and communication project and can therefore concentrate on their core business and on missions with high added value.

If the production of a video by an external service provider represents a budget, in the long term, this investment can quickly prove profitable. As explained above, the time and energy saved by outsourcing this important project must be taken into account. But above all, a professional video — particularly if it is original and creative — must logically generate interest and significant visibility. With a successful communication strategy, the return on investment (ROI) can be very interesting.

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